Glass reinforcements | Glass fibre

Vision Composites can offer the full range of glass materials, from simple UD (uni-directional) to wovens to complex multi-axials and in a full range of weights from 50 g/m2 to 2000 g/m2.

Typically ;

  • UD – 0 or 90 degree. Widths and substrates to suit.
  • Woven – yarn or roving based. Plain, Twill or satin weaves. Available with stitched mat combination.
  • 0/90 – available with stitch mat combination
  • Multi-axial –
    • Bi-axial (+/-45) 
    • Tri-axial (0, +/-45) (90, +/-45)
    • Quad-axial

Bespoke engineered fabrics can also be tailor made using different ply weights and  orientations, as well as using chopped fibre mats and other substrates to create materials optimised for our customers’ applications. Widths up to 2540 mm wide are available.

Have any questions, or would like any further technical information?